Sunday, October 18, 2015



            I must say that I was somehow nervous before starting to write the paper. To gain courage. I grabbed my book and paper and put down the question as I kept on brainstorming on the question so as to ensure that I had interpreted correctly and that I was on track. I quickly went through the articles provided but one could not get off my mind and that was Why “Work Smart, Not Hard” is the Worst advice in the World. I was curious to learn the arguments put forward by the writer of the article, Mike Rowe. Because of that I went through the article twice. The first time I went through it like a person just reading a story book and the second time I did it more seriously along with my pen and paper trying to get the main points from the documents. I was able to identify my thesis statement and thus I felt that I was ready to start on the work.

            As usual a few negative thoughts came into my mind as I wanted to start working on the paper. My main worry was whether I may arguments would fit the minimum number of words required for this paper. This was because I feared that my arguments were very brief and thus they could barely fill a page. It was then that I resorted to reading more about the topic so that I could have a greater understanding of the paper and also have more points. My main source of motivation was the true life stories that I had read that related to the topic and thus they motivated me to work harder and write and even better paper. After reading the entire articles and understanding it, I set aside two day in which I was sure that I would be free and ensure that the work would be complete. I decided to write two pages on each day this really helped me a lot since I handle the paper easily and even finished before the deadline. I was able to put my arguments in a well set manner, one that would enable any one to read well and understand my points easily.

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