Sunday, September 20, 2015

Popular Culture

     Comparison of Expectation of Education and an Example from the Popular Culture

            Right from the point when we were still young children and never understood why we even needed to be in school, our parents have always tried to show us and to prove to us that education is key in our life. It is from that time that I began to hold a lot of value to education because I believed and I still believe that there are a lot good things that can come from being educated. Personally, I have never let my background influence my decisions with regards to education and that is the reason I have devoted myself, so as to ensure that I get so as to be able to gain significantly from education. I believe that it is only through this education that I am pursuing that will I be able to make an impact, in my community and the world in general. I am determined to be knowledgeable and also practice my knowledge.

            This is the same spirit that I would pass to my kids and my kids’ children since I do have a lot of expectation from my love for education. In the present day, education is key even influencing how one relates to other individuals and also in enabling us understand and accept the diversity of the world. The English language has made it possible for people from various parts of the globe to be able to interact effectively thus accomplish various goals with ease. One of the best form of popular culture that I can relate with is books. My two favorite authors are Robin Sharma and Ben Carson. I tend to admire the source of motivation that one is able to derive from most of the books that are written those specific authors. The book, “Think Big” by ben Carson enables me to relate my life effectively with his though and thus that is where I derive my source of motivation and expectation from education. It is the experiences that Ben Carson that enables me believe that any with the ability to dream can make it in life regardless of where a person is in the world. Books can be a great source of knowledge and a source of motivation if only embraced by a majority of us.

            It is through the same books that I get to have a deeper understanding of life and motivation. It is for this reason that I believe that books are a good pop culture since in every student have a lot interests in various books, apart from the books that I have mentioned above.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

High School Experience

High School Experience

            High school was one of the most important stages of my life since it was what shaped me to whom I am today. Unlike the present day classes, in Saudi Arabia, our high schools were segregated by gender and thus we were about 24 boys in our class. The school grading system was set in such a way that the examinations grade had more weight compared to the daily assignments and individual class participation and thus that gave me the motivation for reading and would forever change the way I handled my time. I would wake up at very early in the morning, go through my work to make sure that every assignment was great after which take breakfast then head straight to school.

            The school rules were set in such a way that we would have very formal relationship with our teachers and also use formal title when addressing most of our school teachers. As a result I would consult my teachers once in a while whenever I failed to understand a topic of a concept clearly. However, most of the times we would form class discussion groups where we would discuss what was taught in class earlier in the day and that would really assist us in understanding what the teacher had taught way better. Being a silent guy in class, the group work were a platform for me to speak openly and be able to interact with the other class members effectively. I believe that is what contributed to us attaining good grade and also be able to pass the final examinations.

            One of the things that I enjoyed most during my high school years was the extra curriculum activities offered by our school. We had both the Physical Education classes and also time for games. This provide us an opportunity to engage in what we enjoyed best. Unlike all the other teachers, the Physical Education teacher was very open, interactive and friendly. As much as he was a teacher, most students always felt that they would relate to him like a father and mentor and that is what made the Physical Education classes different from the other classes. It is important to understand that our school was very strict and that discipline was a top priority for the management. Incidences of carrying cellphones to schools or even engaging in a fight were never tolerated and thus most of us learned the virtue of self-discipline at an early age. The support I got from my family members such my father, my mother, brothers and even uncles and aunts were immense and this enabled me be significantly motivated during my high school day. I believe such support is what made me work harder each day.

Farhan story


Farhan is one of my classmate for writing 100 class his full name is Farhan Alanazi . He graduate from Alawail High school on 2010, then two years later he decided  to complete his education on the united state .  Farhan has fun side of his life however, hi is missing his family so much. Farhan had wrong idea about the Americans society before, coming to the U.S. Farhan loves cooking furthermore, his roommate are so lucky to have  a friend like farhan  living at the same home.

            Farhan decide to leave his family and start his high education at the U.S. so, he started studying English in 2012 . At was in Colorado( Denver) , he was shocked  because, the media is not telling the right story about the U.S. and the people here . What we are seeing on the media, they portray us that the U.S. is full of crimes and insecurity that is even in Hollywood studio. However, his idea has changed, since he came and discovered the reality.   

            Farhan likes mostly the American mores, and how people here are behaves.

He saw by his eyes, and hear by his ears is that the American society are one of the best societies in the world, if not the first. Therefore, he is missing his family so much, and he told me a hidden secret about himself. Farhan cares mostly about one person which is his Mother and he would do whatever she asked him for.

            Farhan is cheerful, enjoyable and joyous; he likes all kind of gaming. Ps4 is one of his favorite game and call of duty game is the best. Cooking is the most thing he good at, and he could cook many kind of Arabic dishes, spaghetti and more and more. Finally, interviewing and find out a person like Farhan it is really a good experience .